WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Author: Grapholina

Within the past two weeks we have made some significant changes to our Cheap Chair, but there is still room for improvement, and that is what we will be working on this week. Currently, our beloved chair improves room score and comfort scores, but the advertisement for hunger has not been touched, and our Sims still do not like the chair very much. We've worked hard on that chair, so we're going to make the Sims like it whether they want to or not. I think it's only fair. Before we begin, make absolutely certain that you have a good copy of the chair in your safe folder.


There is more than one way to add motives, and in this lesson we will cover at least two of them. In future classes we will become somewhat more creative. Open your chair in IFF and go to the BHAV section. When adding motives, we can do so from just about any "action" point, but in the beginning, the easiest point for adding is to attach the new motives to existing ones. Our comfort motive is found in Behavior #4113 but we are going to practice on Behavior #4112 first.

Enter into Behavior #4112 now, and let's examine the lines to determine how and where to add our lines for hunger.

Fig. 1.0

Your "Test Object Type" containing your chair (determined by the GUID) should be on line 1. Notice that line 1 goes to line 7, and line 7 goes to line 13 whereupon it ends the run for the behavior (T/E). We want to add the hunger lines unobtrusively and neatly inside that behavior run. We can manually add the lines, but for now we're going to make do by copying the necessary lines of comfort and changing them to hunger lines.

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

Let's duplicate the Comfort < = line, and the Comfort + = line for our chair. We don't care about the others. Select Line 7, right mouse click over it and select "Duplicate" from the menu.

Fig. 1.1

Next, select Line 13 and duplicate that line in the same way you duplicated Line 7. You should now have two extra lines (19 and 20):

Fig. 1.2

Please don't rewrite, and don't touch anything until I ask you, unless you want to create a great big mess. Let's push on.

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

Select Line 19, and look to the right at the Data box. Notice that in Parameter 1, there is a 6 in there for comfort. We want hunger.

Fig. 1.3

At this point you can pull out your notebook to look up the code for hunger, but in case you don't have it handy, the code is 7. Code 7 for hunger. Change the 6 to a 7. Notice how Line 19 now reads for hunger?

Fig. 1.4

Let's change Line 20 accordingly. Select Line 20, and over in the Data box, change the number 6 in Parameter 1 to a number 7 for hunger, so that your lines 19 and 20 now read like this:

Fig. 1.5

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

The next step is to tie in the lines so that they flow smoothly. We can't leave them like this or the game will get confused and possibly cause a crash. This next step can be somewhat confusing at first, so pay attention, and if you need to, read and re-read the following instructions until you see the light.

Place your cursor on Line 7 to select it. It is currently going to Line 13, but we want to change it so that it jumps to Line 19.

Fig. 1.6

With your Line 7 still selected, move over to the Data box, and change where it says "13" to 19, like so:

Fig. 1.7

The next line we want to look at is Line 13, because that's where our new Line 19 jumps to. Look at the line:

Fig. 1.8

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

Notice that the True/False line is saying "True" and "Error". We need to change this because if we left it as is, the behavior would stop running at this point and ignore our second Hunger line. The line that tells the chair how quickly to increase hunger levels.

Move over to the Data box, and change the "True" line to "Line" from the drop down menu:

Fig. 1.9

Insert the number "20" in that box:

Fig. 1.10

Line 13 should read like mine depicted below:

Fig. 1.11

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

and Lines 19 and 20 should look like this:

Fig. 1.12

Take a good look at your IFF screen. Make sure everything looks good.

Fig. 1.13

Rewrite the lines by right-clicking anywhere on the white and selecting "Rewrite" from the menu. Your lines will not change, but rewriting is a good habit to get into.

So much for our Behavior #4112 — but there is still #4113 to modify to make our chair actually work. Behavior #4112 was just a practice run, remember? Click OK to get out of this behavior, and then find and double click #4113 to open it. You should not have to rewrite, but do it anyway; we're trying to develop a good habit.

Let's look at our behavior. Study the lines for a moment or two. See if you have an idea of what to do. If you are up to it, go ahead and try to add the Hunger motives on your own. Don't worry about getting it wrong; the important thing is that you at least give it a go. You can check your steps on the following page where we continue with the lesson.

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

Alright, then. Here we have Behavior #4113, and the lines pointed to by the red arrows are the lines we want to duplicate. I know those are the lines because my chair's GUID line points to those two.

Fig. 1.14

Notice that Line 2 is testing to see if that is our chair. If it is, the script continues to Line 3, and if it isn't, it jumps to Line 5 to check if that is the correct chair. Line 3 is our chair, so we ignore the "if it isn't" instruction and look at Line 3. That line says to move to Line 4 or nothing at all (4, True). Get in the habit of reading your code. Don't do things 'just because'. The more you read, the more second nature reading code will become, the better at hacking you will be.

Note:  "Stack Obj" means the object in question. In this case, it is the object (our Sim) in slot 0 of our chair.

Select Line 3, right-click over it, and then select "Duplicate" from the menu.

Fig. 1.5

Do the same with Line 4. Select it, and then duplicate it. We now have 21 Lines of code, right?

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

Click to select Line 20, and in the Data box, change Parameter 1 to the number 7 for hunger.

Fig. 1.6

Next, select Line 21, and change the number 6 in parameter 1 to a 7. Your screen should look like this:

Fig. 1.7

It's time to redirect the lines to tie them neatly into the existing code. Before we added the hunger motives, our lines followed this route:

Line 2 goes to Line 3
Line 3 goes to Line 4
Line 4 ends the script

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

We are going to make it read as follows:

Line 2 goes to Line 3
Line 3 goes to Line 20
Line 20 goes to Line 4
Line 4 goes to Line 21
Line 21 ends the script

Everyone get that? Fine. Let's redirect these little lines so that our chair will work the way we want.

Select LIne 3, and from the Data box to the right, change the number 4 to a 20.

Fig. 1.18

Select Line 20. Notice that the Line already goes to 4, so we can leave this one alone.

Fig. 1.19

Move up to Line 4 and select it. This was the "ending" line. Look at the True/Error statement at the end.

Fig. 1.20

With Line 4 still selected, go to the Data box and change True to "Line".

Fig. 1.21

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Adding Motives (continued)

Also in the True line, enter the number 21 (the line to be jumped to).

Fig. 1.22

Then, from the False line drop down menu, select "True".

Fig. 1.23

Go down to Line 21, and take a look:

Fig. 1.24

The line already ends correctly with "True/Error", so we do not need to touch it.

Place your cursor anywhere on the white space, right-click, and select "Rewrite". Your lines of code are now neatly in place and ready to go. Pretty cool, eh?

Fig. 1.25

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

ADDING MOTIVES (continued)

The reason we linked them in this fashion is because our comfort value is stored in the Constant (4097:6). We want the game to pick up on the value of comfort and hunger before it goes to pick up how fast it increases over in Constant 4097:0.

Time To Test

Click OK to get out of this behavior, SAVE your file, and EXIT IFF. Start your game and test your chair to make sure that hunger levels increase right along with the comfort levels. Of course, this isn't exactly nifty because, what's the point of serving dinner if all you have to do is sit in the chair to satisfy hunger? But who cares. This is, after all, just a lesson. Go test and come back when you're through. Do not jump ahead in the lesson without first testing — tempting thought it might be.

How did the test go? If hunger, comfort and room score improved, then it worked and we can move on. If it did NOT work, please go back and retrace your steps. Perhaps you missed something along the way.


Our chair is looking pretty good except for one little detail. When the Sims view the chair for the first time, they are still not too pleased. Let's try to change that a bit more. We will be working with animations and their corresponding sounds, and we're going to do it the easy way, which means borrowing the animation and sound we need from a painting.

Note and Reminder: In hacking, there are always more than one method for accomplishing our work. The method you use is strictly up to you. In other words, whatever works best is acceptable. I will try to cover as many methods as possible during the course of our classes.

But, which painting do we use? We can't use just any old painting because not all paintings carry the "react" behavior that references our animations and sounds. Our chair has appropriate sounds for Sims who are crazy enough to think the chair is acceptable, but for the more discerning Sim, we need to try harder. The procedure we are going to employ is really quite simple — up to a point. We're going to borrow the animation and sound from a painting that we know a Sim would appreciate, and that's where the simple stops.

The arrival of the Super Star expansion pack, and once again, with our last expansion pack, Makin' Magic, dramatically changed the paintings. Things are no longer where they used to be. The paintings that carried the "react" behavior are now bare and new paintings have taken on the task. So, we will now find the paintings we need in three different places, depending on which EP's you have installed. First we'll find the correct painting for those of you who do NOT have Super Star or Makin' Magic installed, and afterward, we'll find the painting for those who DO have Super Star or Makin' Magic. However, I would like everyone to read through everything because you are bound to learn something either way. Ready?

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Finding The Right Painting

Close out of any program you might have open (it's always good to conserve resources), and then open up Tmog.

Scroll down until you see "Paintings" and then look to the right. There are several there, and unfortunately, you can't tell which have the "react" behavior from Tmog, so unless you know, trial and error is the way to go. Let's select the first painting in the group: "Painting - Flowers".

Fig. 1.26

Clone it, and name it anything you like. I'm naming mine "PaintingTest1.iff". After you clone it, don't forget to go into the edit window and do something like the image below so you won't confuse this clone with your other files. You won't be keeping it.

Fig. 1.27

Remember that Tmog will place your cloned painting into the "Transmogrified" folder, which is located inside your Downloads folder.

Close Tmog, open IFF and open your newly cloned painting.

Select the BHAV section and take a look at the behaviors on the right side. See anything pertaining to "react" in there?

No? Darn! Let's try another one, shall we? Close IFF, and open Tmog again. Find your cloned flowers painting and delete it right now, if you don't you may forget to do so later. I always forget unless I take care of it right away, because I'm absent-minded that way.

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Finding The Right Painting (continued)

Okay, let's pick the right one this time. I'm going to be nice about the whole thing and tell you which painting it is. Just keep in mind that had you been on your own, you probably would have to do the above exercise a few times before getting it right. Or, maybe not; but in any case, the point I'm trying to make here, is that you must never forget  Rule #4: NEVER give up.

Nobody said this would be a piece of cake, and there is very little, if any, help out there. As hackers, we have a very small, but tightly knit community, and although we try to help each other out whenever possible, sometimes the help is not always swift in coming. Alas, the reason is, none of us has all the answers. And even those people you might look up to as "Gurus", are only good up to a certain point, and then they themselves need help. I've worked on objects that have taken me over 8 full months to complete because I couldn't get help. But I never gave up. Keep that in mind.

Moving right along, everyone should have Tmog 2.0. Open up Tmog, and depending on the expansion packs you have installed, you will be looking for a certain painting. Look below to determine which painting you should be after:

Makin' Magic:  If you have Makin' Magic installed, look for paintingsSpellbound.iff. You'll notice over in the right hand side that the file contains several paintings. You want to clone the first one, Painting - Magic - Carnival Painting.

Fig. 1.28

Once you clone your painting, sit tight while we find the correct painting for the others.

Super Star:  If you have Super Star installed, but NOT Makin' Magic, the painting you want is called Painting - Superstar - Gold Record.  Scroll down in Tmog until you see "paintingssuperstar" on the left and to the right you'll see all the paintings in that file. You want to clone the first one, Paintinf - Superstar - Gold Record.

Fig. 1.29

Clone the painting, and then wait for the rest to find their painting.

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Finding The Right Painting (continued)

All Others:  If you have some, most, or all expansion packs installed EXCEPT for Super Star and Makin' Magic, find "Paintings2" in Tmog and then look to the right. Select "Painting - Retro 1", and clone it.

Fig. 1.30

Don't worry, these are the correct paintings. I'm not so cruel as to send you on another wild goose chase. Or am I?


Back to the Lesson:  Once your paintings are cloned, go into the Edit section and type in something to let you know that the clone is only for testing purposes. Close Tmog, and open IFF.

Bring your painting into IFF, and then select the behaviors section so we can take a look. Look at the picture below, notice the react behavior?:

Fig. 1.31

Double click Behavior #4107 "react", and then rewrite the lines. Take a look at the lines to which the red arrows are pointing. Everyone's screen should look basically the same in that you will all see lines of code such as the ones the red arrows are pointing to.

All those are animations and sounds associated with the "react" behavior triggered by Sims when they view the painting. These animations and sounds are what Sims use to either approve or disapprove of the object in question. In this case, the painting. We have the ability to borrow all sounds and animations and put them to other uses as we see fit.

Fig. 1.32

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Completing The Chair (continued)

The arrows tell us that this painting can play sounds 0 through 4 and run animations 1 through 4. As to what those animations and sounds are, we'll find out in a minute.

Note:  Depending on your painting, you may not have animations and sounds 0 through 4; but you will have lines that reference sounds and animations.

Everyone has their painting ready to go, we've looked at the behavior containing lots of confusing lines, and now it is time to find out what these animation and sound id's are, because I don't know about you, but "Animate Sim (id 3 from object), and Play Sound Event (id=0) doesn't tell me a heck of a lot. Maxis is more evil than I.


Click OK to get out of the behavior. We are going to explore a new section of IFF called STR# (string). Select the STR# section, and look to the right.

Fig. 1.33

We will completely cover sounds and animations in the Intermediate Level classes, so we will not be going into great detail at this time and therefore, a brief explanation will only be covered today. Notice to the right we have #129: "a2o" and#130: "c2o". Translated, they are Adult to Object animations and Child to Object animations, respectively.

Double click on the adult animations, #129: "a2o".

Fig. 1.34

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives


Remember our Behavior #4107 where we saw all the calls to those ID numbers? Well, here's where we find out what they are. There are several animations available, and as you can see for yourself, they are self-explanatory. We want the "approve" animation. Use your handy dandy notebook, and write this down exactly as it appears. If you don't, the game will not be able to find it in the global files. Write down:


Take care not to write down a zero; that is a capital O (oh) which stands for Object. Click OK, and let's go take a look at the child animations.

Double click #130: "c2o", and notice that the same animations are available to children. Not all objects have identical adult/child animations. That is a consideration you have to take into account when making objects available to children. You can make a child use adult animations, but they will appear slightly off in the game because children are shorter.

Fig. 1.35

Write down the animation name for the child's "approve", again, taking care to be precise:


Click OK, and we'll go explore yet another section, to find appropriate sounds to compliment our animation.

Select FWAV. Notice to the right we have 6 WAV sounds available, but they don't say what they are. All we have is a set of open and close parentheses for a description.

Fig. 1.36

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives


I want you to see what each one is. If you double click on the first one, #0, you get a box that looks like this:

Fig. 1.37

Obviously, this is the sound that goes with the animations Sims use when they are indifferent to an object. Notice that the animation name contains the word "art" at the front. There are different shrug animations for different types of object reactions. This one is associated with art objects. Click OK to close the editor window.

Double click each of the others to see what they are. On your own, try to determine which one we are going to use.

If you decided on #3, you are correct. We will be using "art_approve_vox".

Fig. 1.38

Write the name of the sound file in your notebook:


Click OK to close down any open windows, and then close down IFF.

Open up Tmog, and since there is no reason to keep the cloned painting you created, delete it. When done, close Tmog.

Open IFF once again, and this time, bring in the Cheap Chair. Click the STR# section and then double click the "a2o" string to open it.

Fig. 1.39

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Working With Sounds and Animations (continued)

Your String editor window will open with 9 animations showing (ID #0 through #8) looking like this:

Fig. 1.40

We cannot delete any of these because the chair needs them to instruct the Sims on how to approach it for sitting, leaving it, etc. Therefore, we need to add a line (or an ID) for our particular "approve" animation. Right click anywhere on the white space, and select "Add" from the menu.

Fig. 1.41

A new ID line will be added to your screen:

Fig. 1.42

Directly beneath you will find the "Editing" box. Delete the words found there.

Fig. 1.43

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Working With Sounds and Animations (continued)

In their place type in the name of the adult animation we wrote down in our notebook earlier, and you can delete the words found in the box immediately beneath.

Fig. 1.44

Your window should now look like this:

Fig. 1.45

Click OK when done. Next, we need to do the same thing for the Child to Object animations. Double click the #130 "c2o" string, and then add the appropriate animation in there, just as you did for the adults.

Fig. 1.46

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Working With Sounds and Animations (continued)

When done, your child animation screen should look like mine:

Fig. 1.47

We are done adding new animations to our chair, but before we leave the area... don't forget to write down the ID number for our new animations. In your notebook, write:

Animations Approve = id9


Click OK to exit the Strings editing window. Find the FWAV section and select it.

Sounds are added in a slightly different way. Or rather "referenced" differently. We are not adding actual sounds. We are merely referencing the sound name so that the game can find it and use it.

Right click anywhere on the white space of the right-hand side panel and select "Add" from the menu.

Fig. 1.48

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Adding New Sounds (continued)

The Add Item window will pop up. Please fill in the boxes so that your window looks like mine.

Fig. 1.49

We chose FWAV from the "Type" pull down menu, because this is a WAVE (sound) file. In the ID box, we inserted the number 6, because there are already 5 sounds in the chair, and since all those are needed (we shouldn't override them), we will use the next available number for reference — the number 6. The Name box we are leaving empty, just like the other sounds already there. None of them have descriptions. Hence, your FWAV window will now look like this:

Fig. 1.50

See how each sound file has a (size:16), etc. at the end? Ours doesn't. Ours is a mere 1. This is because although we have added the slot that will contain our sound reference, we have not yet added the actual call to the sound (the sound name).

Note: We cannot import actual sound files into these slots. Well, actually we can, but since the game does not play the sounds from here, importing them would be useless. At this point, all the game asks of you is to tell it which sound to play, and the game will find it on its own. Hence, the reason we merely enter a sound name and not an actual sound file.

Let's add our sound reference. Double click our new #6, which is currently empty. When the FWAV editor opens, insert the name of your approve sound (which you should have written in your notebook), and then click "OK".

Fig. 1.51

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives

Adding New Sounds (continued)

Note how our #6 line now has a respectable number at the end, signifying that the slot is no longer empty.

Fig. 1.52

In your notebook, write down:   Sound = id6


The final step is to incorporate the sound and animation we added. To do so, we need to go back to our dear old friend, the "ComeAndSeeMe" behavior. Select BHAV, double click #4111 to open it, and rewrite the lines if necessary.

Fig. 1.53

Even though we have significantly modified our chair, we are still, nevertheless, dealing with a cheap chair; so we need to concentrate on that chair's references and calls.

Fig. 1.54

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives


We'll first add the sound. Select Line 1, which is currently calling to play sound id 4. Over to the right in our wonderful Data box, we're going to get rid of the number 4 in Parameter 1 and in its place, we'll insert the number of our new sound ID, which is 6. Change your Data box accordingly.

Fig. 1.55

OK, next we'll modify the animation call, but this is slightly complicated. Look at Line 2:

Fig. 1.56

This line says "Animate Sim (id 48 from misc). The "misc" part means that the animation will be called from the global animation file instead of from the object itself. We don't want this. We put the animation reference directly into our object, so we need to make the line read accordingly. We want it to say "from object".

With Line 2 selected, go over to the Data box, and change the number in Parameter 1 to a 9 (the number of our animation).

Fig. 1.57

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives


Next, get rid of the 3 in Parameter 3. Change it to a zero (0).

Fig. 1.58

Now look at Line 2:

Fig. 1.59

The line is now calling Animation 9 from our object, just as we intended.

Click "OK" to get out of the window, SAVE your file, and EXIT IFF.

Note: So, how come we used a painting for the animations and sounds? We didn't have to. Any object with the ability to invoke the reactions we want would suffice. There is also Animation Alchemist, and while easy to use, the program isn't suitable for every hack because the only thing the program accomplishes, is changing existing animations. We added to what was already present. Often, we need to go by way of Detroit to accomplish the task at hand, even if that means using a Hex editor (which would be to your advantage to learn at some point).

Time To Test

Test the chair in your game. Test it to some extent because we are looking to see if Sims will react the same no matter their personality. You will not get an enthusiastic "Hooray!" from them, but you should definitely get some type of approval.

When back from testing, proceed to this week's assignment.

Until next we meet,

WEEK 3: Object Behavior Modification and Adding Motives


You should now have a good understanding with respect to borrowing sounds and animations. Your assignment is to locate other, more interesting animations and sounds in other objects, and place them into your cheap chair. You will be overriding the ones we just added.

When finished, zip up your chair and upload it to our Class Discussion area so that I can download it from there.

It is alright to permanently change your chair's animations and sounds. We will continue to work with the chair next week, but any changes you make now will not impact next week's lesson.

As a reminder for next week, it is our last for this class, and one of our assignments will be to create a brand new object using all the skills you've learned in this class. Although I encourage you to start thinking about it now and perhaps even begin work on your class object, I suggest that you do not "finish" your object this week as next week we will be learning something brand new and extremely useful.

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